UV Protection

Clear UV Protection Oil 420 Extra 2.5L
Natural oil-based and microporous finish does not crack, flake, peel or blister. Water and dirt resistant, moisture regulating and reduces wood swelling and shrinkage.
Click here for more information - Data Sheet
£ 66.30 Ex VAT and Delivery
Osmo Wood Treatment
Long-term protection of wood
Natural construction material
Retains woods natural beauty and durability
Natural ingredients
Natural oil and wax-based
Environmentally friendly
To order or discuss your requirements please call us on 01460 281225, or email or use our Quick Quote Form.
End Grain

End Grain Sealing Wax Clear 0.375L
Osmo End Grain Sealing Wax protects the end grain from cracks during all elements of weathering. Minimises the water absorption, as well as the seasoning of the end grains.
Click here for more information - Data Sheet
£ 30.89 Ex VAT and Delivery
All Prices Exc. V.A.T. and Delivery.
Cladding Battens Why hang your cladding on inferior timber battens when you can hang them on the ultimate cedar cladding battens.
Our battens are 25mm X 45mm X 3600mm.
click here for details